Our Nameservers are:ns1.mainehost.netns2.mainehost.netns3.mainehost.netns4.mainehost.netVideo...
.edu domain name registration is limited to fully accredited postsecondary institutions of higher...
Use our domain checker tool
If you registered your domain name through your Google Apps account you must follow these...
We, of course, will set up your domain name on our servers within 24 hours. While setting up your...
You will need to log into your account with OpenSRS to make any changes (domain name servers,...
To register new nameservers or update existing nameservers with OpenSRS, follow the directions...
To point your domain to our servers please modify your nameservers to point to:...
If you have already registered your domain name, MHS will handle your nameserver transfer. MHS...
You do! When we register your domain name, we will put you as the administrative contact and...
Clearing Your DNS Cache Your DNS cache stores the locations (IP addresses) of pages you have...