Transfer your domain from Google.Com Print

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If you'd like to transfer your domain to another domain registrar, you'll need your domain's authorization code. To obtain your authorization code, sign in to the DNS console of your domain host. Instructions vary by domain host. If your domain is hosted by or, you can find the step-by-step instructions to access your authorization code below:

  1. Log in to your Google Apps account.
  2. Click Domain Settings.
  3. Click Domain Names.
  4. Click Advanced DNS settings. Click Sign in to DNS console. Please note that you'll be re-directed to a new page where you'll need to enter your login information.
  5. Click on your domain name.
  6. Locate the tab for Authorization code and click Send by email.
The authorization code will be sent via email to the email address listed on file with

To obtain your authorization code, you'll need to send an email to at with the following information: domain name, password and a brief description of your request.

To retrieve your domain password, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Sign in to your Google Apps account.
  2. Click Domain Settings.
  3. Click Domain Names.
  4. Click Advanced DNS settings.


Other domain hosts

We suggest contacting your domain host directly for instructions to obtain your authorization code. If you're not sure who your domain host is, you can find out more here.

Please note that Google is not a domain host.

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